For the record, we're in no position to
judge a good makeup splurge. Our makeup bags are loaded with MAC lip
glosses, Nars shadows, and tubes of Lancome mascaras. We'd be giant
hypocrites if we told you to always bargain shop for your beauty products.
But …
It turns out you totally can (and maybe should) hit up the drugstore for
your beauty products -- even if you once swore you'd never use anything
but your favorite $59 foundation and $24 lipstick. But before you
blindly fill up your cart at Target with an aisle's worth of shadows,
check out these makeup pros' tips on the drugstore products that are
exact -- or nearly exact -- duplicates of high-end makeup.
Trust us, if anyone would know which cheap makeup products can sit next to your splurge-worthy ones, it's these experts.
They literally try thousands of beauty products and definitely know a
good match when they see one. With these picks you can do your entire
face -- from foundation to lip gloss -- without breaking your budget.
And the best part? These drugstore picks are all high quality, so no one
will know you went the bargain route. Well, unless you decide to spill
your secrets, but we'll leave that up to you …