I was looking for some bright colors for summer when I came across these 2 shadow kits at Rite Aide. They are normal around $4-5 but they were on sale for Buy One Get One. Cover Girl claims They blend effortlessly to bring your eyes out beautifully, without overshadowing. The shadows come in a small, compact, plastic case with a double ended sponge tip applicator.
I was really hoping to have fun with these colors but they weren't as vibrant as they seemed once I applied it to my lids. I was greatly disappointed. The only ones to really show was the blue & teal color on the tropical fusion kit. The rest were not very pigmented. I picked the bold colors from all of the kits so the more neutral and tone down colors probably wouldn't be any better if these didn't show.
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Hi Bellas,
When it comes to makeup, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. With countless
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